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Complete excerpt:


Rating the Rating Agencies.

Analysis of why the rating agencies are overrating U.S. treasury securities.




Uncle Sam: The Honeymoon is Over.

A comparison of financial condition of the average citizen and the U.S. Government.


Page 3


Table Of Contents


List of all the subjects covered in the book.

The National Debt Crisis:

America's Armageddon

The national debt is a problem that all by itself could bring the end to America as we know it. It could literally threaten the capitalist form of government that has kept us prosperous and allowed us to defend the freedoms that the Constitution grants to every American citizen. The national debt is a disease that infected the government during the Reagan era, grew steadily through the two Bush presidencies, and reached epidemic proportions under the Obama administration. Curing this disease will require a superhuman effort by our leadership. We are close to the point of no return in which there will be no way to resolve the problem, meaning the United States will have to restructure its debt and default on a portion of it. The national debt is a sickness on the verge of becoming terminal!



Review Rating:   5 stars! 




















Reviewed By Rabia Tanveer for Readers’ Favorite

The National Debt Crisis: America's Armageddon by Morris V. Franco is a book on the National Debt crisis and a wake up call to every person to notice what is happening around us. Given that America is considered to be a super power country, many believe that everything is good within the country and its financial structure. With Franco’s approach, the reader can understand how the national debt is becoming an epidemic. The book is filled with facts, figures, and everything that should be noticed about this situation.

Things are not as rosy as they seem, and this book points out all that is good and bad. I would like to commend Franco on his analysis and comments because they feel spot on. The future seems scarier than we think, and at a time when America is about to choose the next president, the next leader should consider all of this before he/she takes on the presidency. 

What I really liked about this book was that everything was laid out in plain and simple terms. I did not have to consult my dictionary to find the meanings of the terms used. I was simply able to pick up this book, read it till the end in one go, and enjoy it for what it lays on the table. Good use of words, great structure, and an amazing flow that keeps you moving forward. You will understand where the writer is going with this. A job well done!

A comprehensive analysis of the national debt and its pernicious effects on the America’s economy. The potential exists for a worldwide crisis that will dwarf the 2008 recession. Owners of U.S. Treasury securities are especially at risk.


I recently completed a set of 8 videos about the National Debt Crisis. I think although I stink as a commentator they are among the most informative ever done. Please check them out on YouTube. My goal is to create awareness of the problem. My book premiered as No. 1 on the New York Times Worst Seller List. The URL’s listed below will take you direct to the videos.

The National Debt Crisis Part 3 - The Federal Reserve’s Con Game  

The National Debt Crisis Part 1 - Why It’s a threat to America 

The National Debt Crisis Part 2 - Rating the Rating Agencies

The National Debt Crisis Part 4 - Ralph Kramdon The Honeymoon Is Over

The National Debt Crisis Part 5 - Countdown to Armageddon

The National Debt Crisis - Part 6A - Will the United States default on its Debt

The National Debt Crisis - Part 6B Will the United States default on its Debt

The National Debt Crisis Part 7A - Update March 23 2015

The National Debt Crisis Part 7B - Update discusses The Federal Reserve, and more.

The National Debt Crisis Part 8 - The Final Chapter

Link to Amazon's web page for the book. 

Click on "Book Sample" at the top of the page for the full text on

"Rating the Rating Agencies"


"Uncle Sam:

The honeymoon is over".

Indeed, Franco's focus on the pernicious effects of interest is what distinguishes this analysis from many other books devoted to the debt.



...although the book's economic predictions are dreary, readers are spared any hectoring. In fact, the tone is often surprisingly light, even when delivering the grimmest news.



...presents a well-reasoned introduction to the national debt and the problems it poses to the country's future fiscal health. 



The heart of the book is characterized by meticulous rigor...


Kirkus Indie, Kirkus Media LLC



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